What should happen to the site of the old Grappenhall Hall School? We want your ideas!
Our favourite will win two tickets to the lovely Arley Hall and Gardens for a bit of autumn strolling.
Grappenhall Hall School on Church Lane closed five years ago. At the time there was some discussion about how the site should be used - possibly new homes or a hotel. A more recent suggestion by Warrington Borough Council is that it becomes part of a park in the middle of their planned mass housing developments in the area - but the council's local plan is still being challenged.
This is the site.
What would you do with it?
The site has a lovely period building in disrepair, some modern buildings and extensive green landscaping around it - and is in the conservation area of Grappenhall Village adjacent to green belt.
This is an aerial view of the location and site.
To get your creative thoughts flowing we're going to start with one idea - but we would love to hear from you with your own.
What about keeping the period building - a manor house originally, demolishing the modern buildings on the site and then building affordable homes using a design code sympathetic to the heritage of the area? The famous Godhuizen or "almshouses" in Bruges shown below would be an inspirational model. These houses are much older than those around the Grappenhall site but the style, colour, layout, walkability and green space remain beautiful and show us that good design stands the test of time.
Its occupants could be a mix of key workers, young people under 25 and people over the age of 70. This idea of intergenerational living is intended to combat loneliness and was inspired by this piece in The Guardian - a development where the residents are a mix of ages and as part of their contract all agree to spend time with their neighbours. There could be a community garden, an allotment and even a little shop.
But this is just one idea - what do you think?
What should it be? Eco Village? Hotel? Village shopping? Restaurant? Heritage centre? Retirement village? Park? Community hub? Museum? Art Gallery? Residential? Cottages? Flats? Glamping site?? Outdoor theatre?
Would you keep the modern buildings or demolish them? What would the period building look like inside? What would the grounds look like? Should it discourage car use?
You can post drawings, photos, or just describe your ideas.
Here’s a link to a recent Warrington Guardian article about the period building. It needs a lot of work!
This is just a fun competition - we have two tickets for entry for 2 adults to Arley Hall and Gardens for the winner.
You can either post your ideas on our Facebook page or email them to us at info@ourgreenwarrington.com
Competition closes on 31 October 2020. The winner will be announced in the few days after.